I am a transplanted southerner, held captive in a Yankee territory. I have little to no clue what to do with my life. I like to read, cook and write really weird stories that may never see the light of day. I am working on that last but and hope to one day write a story worth publishing. In the mean time, I have the love and support of a lot of truly wonderful people who help me make it through the day.

Mar 29, 2009

okay peeps, here's the deal: today we are going to talk to Kayliegh, the original character that started me on this crazy path...well she only talks to me occasionally so if she is going to open up, I guess I will share :D so here goes

"You see the future?" Kayliegh smiled at the confusion on Kat's face. Her power was a strange one, hard for most people to understand.
"Not exactly, I see possibilities. The future is never certain, in fact in changes all the time and in truth is almost impossible to decipher, but I can catch glimpses. Those are only limited by the questions I ask." She offered Kat a snack from the bowl of fruit that sat on her desk.
"I don't understand." Kat's brow furrowed further.
"It's a little difficult, but imagine this," she paused to pick up an apple, "this apple has infinite potential, any of a million things can happen to it, but it only has one true purpose to bear fruit, everything else is a force trying to help or inhibit that purpose. Now ask yourself, what would happen if a person ate this apple would it help or inhibit it's purpose?"
"That depends, right?"
"Well, yeah it does, but that's where the questions come in. You see anytime someone asks me something specific enough I will get a flash of the most likely outcome." Kayliegh smiled. She put the apple she was holding down. "In the apples case, the most likely outcome is that I will eat it and then put the rind in my compost pile. This will probably stifle the seeds, so most likely they won't grow. But nothing is set in stone, so I could be completely wrong."
Kat scrunched her face, "That seems to easy." Kat laughed.
"Well if you want I could go into quantum physics and the watcher theory," she watched as Kat's eye's glazed at the mention of the quantum world, "but I have a feeling you hear enough of that around here."