I am a transplanted southerner, held captive in a Yankee territory. I have little to no clue what to do with my life. I like to read, cook and write really weird stories that may never see the light of day. I am working on that last but and hope to one day write a story worth publishing. In the mean time, I have the love and support of a lot of truly wonderful people who help me make it through the day.

Jun 7, 2009

quiz time!!

Hi Everyone,

yes i am still plotting i promise, and getting lots of good advice from books that i will review once i am finished reading them. I feel pretty good about the way I am connecting with my characters, though it appears they have hidden crucial things from me as i have been ignoring them.


this is really about the quiz that is now located at the bottom of my blog, it is from writer extraordinaire Hailey Edwards!! She has been gracious enough to let us play with the boys from her series in progress Lineage, a tale of vampires and wolves *wiggles eyebrows* more about her writing and current books and WIPs can be found at her site: http://www.haileyedwards.net/

and her blog: http://haileyedwards.blogspot.com/?zx=840c2974eba62e59

go visit!! and remember that graham is MINE!! ;)