I am a transplanted southerner, held captive in a Yankee territory. I have little to no clue what to do with my life. I like to read, cook and write really weird stories that may never see the light of day. I am working on that last but and hope to one day write a story worth publishing. In the mean time, I have the love and support of a lot of truly wonderful people who help me make it through the day.

Jun 19, 2009

Ms. Pershing's Response

I know you have all been anxiously awaiting Ms. Pershing's response so here it is: http://espan-rwa.com/rwa-president-pershing-responds/

I have not yet read it, but I will come back after I have. Please feel free to go read it with virgin eyes in the mean time

*NOTE: I have like less then NO time today as I am trying to crit a manuscript and get ready to go into the wilds of NY tomorrow, so I need to get a lot of things done today and the blogging will prolly have to wait til I get back, sorry folks. Think you can live without my stunning wit for a few days?*