I am a transplanted southerner, held captive in a Yankee territory. I have little to no clue what to do with my life. I like to read, cook and write really weird stories that may never see the light of day. I am working on that last but and hope to one day write a story worth publishing. In the mean time, I have the love and support of a lot of truly wonderful people who help me make it through the day.

Feb 23, 2009

LSB Writer's Workshop

BTW, this is where I have been taking classes:
Writer’s Workshop
Liquid Silver Books is offering six writer workshops scheduled for 2009. These workshops are open to all writers, unpublished or seasoned veteran with any publisher*. All workshops will be held at Liquid Silver Books forum, Silver Net (SiN). If you’re not already a member, please be sure to join** prior to the day of the workshopWorkshop
Self-Editing: A Necessary Evil - Rachel Fox, LSB Terran Realm Senior Editor March 28th – Time TBD Sign up opens March 1st. Due by 23rd.
POV: Chronic Tennis Neck - Terri Schaefer, LSB Editorial Director May 30th – Time TBD Sign up opens May 1st. Due by 25th
The VS: Active vs. Passive/Show vs. Tell - Tina Burns, LSB Publisher July 25th – Time TBD Sign up opens July 1st. Due by July 20th
Time: Manage it for your Writing - Terri Schaefer, LSB Editorial Director September 26th – Time TBD Sign up opens Sept 1st. Due by Sept 21st
Dialogue: To Tag or Not to Tag - Rachel Fox, LSB Terran Realm Senior EditorNovember 21st – Time TBD Sign up opens Nov 1st. Due by Nov 16th
How do I sign up?
First step would be to join the forum, Silver Net. Then email me, mailto:tina@liquidsilverbooks.com with the title of the workshop in the subject line. In the email please include your Name, Author name (if you have one), email address and publishing experience.
What if I don’t sign up before the deadline?
I made deadlines so we’ll know prior to the workshop the head count of people participating, but if you were unable to email prior to the deadline, go ahead and send me an email including the information requested above. We’ll do our best to fit you in.
What if I’m out of town or can’t make one of the workshops?
All workshops are being held on Silver Net, so the teachings and comments will be available at any time, you’ll just miss out on the participation aspect.
What do the asterisks mean in the intro paragraph?
Good question…
*While we welcome authors from any publisher to participate, please keep in mind that some of the techniques and philosophies we teach could be specific to Liquid Silver Books, not the industry as a whole.
**In order to post on the forum, you must be logged in as a member. Please make sure you enter a valid email address when you sign up, this will ensure your registration completes. One thing we do require is that you enter your birthdate, this is a legal requirement in the US to comply with COPPA. The purpose is to prevent children under-13 from accessing the board.

A tip for people who are likely to return: tick the “Remember Me” box when logging on and don’t log out when leaving. This will have you auto-login next time you visit SiN.

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